Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A few weeks ago Michael found a 1st edition copy of Norman Mailer's The Naked and The Dead in our apartments community room.  If your a Gilmore Girls fanatic, as I am, this would bring you immediate satisfaction (oh yeah, and if you're a fan of lit-er-ature). 

Monday, April 26, 2010

Just one of THOSE days

Yesterday morning started off pretty good.  We were all snuggling under the covers when I said "HEY- Doughnuts!"  Michael and I used to go out for doughnuts every once in a while before the little one arrived.  When she was a newborn and we were up to our eyeballs in spit up, diapers, and sleepless nights we would talk about how great it would be when she slept through the night (check), and not dealing with reflux issues (check) so that we could go out more, and do things like get doughnuts on a whim.  Yesterday morning she slept in until almost 7:30 (bliss), so we decided to head out in our pajamas and get doughnuts.  It was so fun, that is-until we locked the keys in the car.  We tried breaking into our own car, but inevitably had to call a locksmith to un-do the damage.  30 extra minutes, a baby who was starting to get hungry and tired, and $35.00 later we were back in our car!  We had little mishaps through out the day (just one of THOSE days), but we weren't letting it get us down!  We did laundry, baked cookies, and played with the baby....then, when everything was cleaned up for the night, and the baby was sound asleep in her crib.... I so gracefully managed to drop a container of juice all over the floor!  After it was cleaned up Michael & I were laughing trying to figure out how long I stood there, staring at the container of juice as it quickly emptied its contents onto our floor.....let's just say it was a while.  The good news is the floor got washed, and that hasn't been done since, well....before our "little one "arrived.  No matter how the day goes, we are always thankful that we have each other!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just a bowl of carrots...

Who would expect that 1 bowl of carrots could evoke so much emotion......

It started with a smile...

But quickly began to change...


Here we go...

Wait...maybe we're okay

And it ends with a smile....
(okay, so that is not at all how it ended-but with pictures I can fake it)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

My sister is back from her travels in the Great Northwest, so she came over for a slumber party!
We got a chance to catch up, go on a walk, make monster cookies, watch Princess and the Frog, and smoke a pipe (well, she and Michael smoked a pipe while I put the baby to bedy-bye).  It was so fun to see her!  A few pictures of our time together....

Ingrid got some Aunt time in!

It's always more fun with a baby around...

"Who are you again?"

"MUNSTER" Cookies

"Sneaking" a taste of the cookie dough"

2 Sisters & a baby

On a walk...

And an old one.....just for fun!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Cute photo of the day

This afternoon I took Ms. Nightingale out to play in the backyard for the first time (last summer she was still all scrunched up and new).  She loved all the sights and sounds-she was really checking everything out! 

Saturday, April 3, 2010

My favorite job so far...

Today I'm reminded that i have the very best job in the world.  As i cuddle my little girl, I love to listen to her enthusiastically babble away (she knows exactly what she is saying); just when I think being her mom couldn't get any better, I'm surprised-because it does!  Every day I get to watch her grow and change, and I just can't believe that I scored the prized position of "funnest job in the world"!