Monday, January 10, 2011


5 years ago today I got engaged to my best friend.  I wish I could say it was even a semi-interesting story.  But it's not.  We've been together since we were 16, and pretty much knew since then that we were destine for matrimony.  It went a little something like this:  

Michael and I were sitting on his bedroom floor after our class (we were living in MPLS at the time going to college), and he said "What should we do".....then we talked about going to go buy a ring and make it "official" off we went to the Rosedale mall.  We bought a engagement/wedding ring (which I later sold for something more plain.  Yes, I have no attachment to things like that-to me it was just a bunch of rocks that some 13 year old kid from Africa was forced to mine-not really into that).  We bought the ring, went out to dinner at Perkins, called to tell our parents...and the rest is history.  Almost 5 years of wonderful marriage and a pretty cool co-creation named Ingrid Nightingale. 


What a day...and it's only 12:30.  Ingrid is down for a nap (1 hour early), so I am going to take a little time to unwind and hopefully rejuvenate by the time she wakes up.  I know that we are probably moving again in the next year, but I've been wanting to do some fun DIY decorating in Ingrid's room.  I'm not going to go nuts or anything, we won't even paint.  But I've been looking around for some inspiration and here are some photo's that I liked....

I also found some fun DIY wall art projects that involve mushroom and birds (after all, her middle name is Nightingale, so some cute birds are necessary).  Should be fun!!