The Basics:

My name is Laura.

My birthday is May 6th.

I have been married for 5 years to Michael.

Michael is amazing.  He is my best friend.  It's honestly hard to find fault with him.

I am the mother to an amazing (almost 2 year old) little girl, Ingrid Nightingale.  If you know her, you know it's pretty hard to curb your enthusiasm when you're around her.  She. is. the. bomb.

I love to color (yup), crochet, sew (once in a while), and bake.

I haven't colored my hair in years.

I love photography, inside and out.

I want to live in Stars Hollow in the worst way.

I love being a stay at home mom, and I would probably do anything to keep it that way.

I believe in a Creator and that he would hope we value peace, love, acceptance, and charity-above all else.  That being said, I haven't found a "church" yet that quite agree's with that.

I am a neat freak.  Emphasize the word freak.

The Not-So-Basics

I have a physiological intolerance for cooked mushrooms...but I will eat them raw.

Pizza is my favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I hate beer.  I really hate beer. 

I love Mr. Q Cucumber Soda. 

I constantly judge my own work, and I am trying to work on that.

I have a couple of really close friends, and I am thankful for that.

I wish I could dance.  Like ballerina in Swan Lake.

I don't like to vacation.  I am a home body.  

I have scene the entire series of Gilmore Girls, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Arrested Development, more than I care to admit.

I had a natural labor with Ingrid, 22 hours of it.  It was awful.  Traumatic. And I can't wait to do it again someday.