The past couple of months we actually found time to get together with some friends! I love seeing Ingrid with other little kid's, she just loves the interaction!
Last month I was able to get together with my dear friend Megan. It was so fun being able to catch up, she is just a delight to be around! And as for her son....well he is just about as cute as they come. Such a sweetheart! Here are a few pics of the kiddo's!
There just so cute!!
I love the way they are looking at each other here!
Next up, the smith boys! Oh how i adore them! Emily and I have been friends since 3rd grade, and I love that we share so many similar memories. It's a blast having kids around the same age, and whenever we get together I know it's going to be a good time!
(Logan, 3 yr-Brayton, 18 mo-Ingrid-16 mo)
Don't you just want to squeeze them?!