This Christmas I've kind of been a big failure. Usually I like to have gifts bought & wrapped way in advance, puppy chow & chex mix made, and lots of Sufjan Stevens Christmas music going. We did manage to buy the girls a few presents, wrapped in princess paper-not Christmas paper. I blame this all on a wonderful little human being who has been keeping us pretty busy these days. Next Christmas-we go all out.
This year, I want to write a Christmas love letter to my girlS. Yes, capital "S". Because now there are two, and I love that.
My sweet, spunky Ingrid. You made me a momma, and I love you for that. Every day I enjoy your singing, dancing, and obsession with Princess's. You always manage to put a smile on my face. I can not believe what a big girl you've grown into this year...and it happened so fast.
4 years ago, right around this time of year, you were just a little seedling inside me-sucking all the energy out so that you could grow big and strong. Christmas now will always remind me of those first precious weeks when your life was just begining.
You are an amazing big sister. Your patience is astounding. You are such a great helper, especially when I inevitably forget to grab a burp cloth when I sit down to feed Irene. You obey really well. You are thankful, sympathetic, and kind. You are my world, and I love you so very much. You continue to be the best Christmas gift, all year long.
What can I say? It's hard to put in to words how you have changed our family for the better.
Last year, at Christmas time my heart was hurting. I was yearning for a little girl-and I knew if I was ever blessed with another one, her name would be Irene Edelweiss. I imagined what it would be like to have another precious baby, dressed in pink. You didn't even exist yet.
This year, at Christmas time, my heart has been healed.
I can't get over your chubby cheeks, that adorable grin, and your loads and loads of dark curly hair. I think I always knew you. When I first laid eyes on you, it wasn't a shock. You were the baby I was waiting for. You, my dear, are the missing puzzle piece We are so happy we found you.
I can't get over your chubby cheeks, that adorable grin, and your loads and loads of dark curly hair. I think I always knew you. When I first laid eyes on you, it wasn't a shock. You were the baby I was waiting for. You, my dear, are the missing puzzle piece We are so happy we found you.
I can't wait to experience this next year. To watch you grow into who you will be.
Thank you, for being ours.
love! I have tears... I wrote a similar letter to Lu and I know how your heart is heavy and now healed... amazing. Love to you and your girlS