Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Okay, so I totally didn't get to the bubble mailers today-but I did check out all the "ingredients" that I will need at the store, and I think it will be way more cost effective than buying them!  That is project for another day, when Ingrid and I aren't sick.  Today, during Ingrid's very brief nap (which has been the story of my life the past few days while she has been so sick) I was able to make a headband for myself, as well as one for Ingrid.  I attempted taking a picture of the one I made for myself-but honestly, when do self portraits ever turn out good?  So instead I took a picture of the one I made for Ingrid-she is yet again wearing her princess shirt, and playing on the computer.  I think it's pretty cute!  

Half-ass instructions below...  

If you've ever made aT-Shirt necklace, then you can make a head band like this.  I had leftover material from the XXL men's t-shirt that I used to make my necklace a few weeks back-and I cut a strip from the arm & gave it a little tug to make it curl on the ends.  I then proceeded to hot glue it to fit Ingrid's head (which didn't need much of an adjustment, because after 22 hours of labor I can testify that girlfriends' got a big noggin).  After that I made a felt flower and hot glued it to the material.  Ta-da.  

(I told you they would be half-ass instructions)

Happy Tuesday!!

Bubble Mailers Tutorial

I am super thrilled to be fairly busy with photography.  This past summer I started using professional packaging to ship out my CD packages-and I love the way it looks.  I use a company called rebinder, and they have eco-friendly products that also have a great feel.  I mail everything out in a bubble mailer, but honestly-I hate the way the envelopes look.  Maybe I'm being too picky, but don't you love receiving pretty things in the mail?  I plan to at least make an honest attempt at making these bubble mailers. What a great idea! I think it will give my products a really nice finished look.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Recipes & Hair-do's.

Fall is in full swing in the DeMars household.  I wait for this time all year, and when it finally comes-I wollow in a mixture of happy & sad emotions.  Happy, because it's the best time of year-everything feels right.  The air smells fresh (aka decaying leaves), the colors are beautiful, the clothes are awesome (seriously-I hate summer clothing), and the food is amazing.  Sad, because I know that it's so short lived, and that in a few short weeks I will be anxiously waiting next year's harvest.

In honor of this amazing time of year, I wanted to share two recipes.  One I have tried-consumed-and conquered.  The other I plan on trying tomorrow during Ingrid's nap time (which is often referred to as mommy-time).

Pretzel Cookies with Chocolate and Peanut Butter Chips
{I made these yesterday, and they are half gone.  Granted, they only make about 18-20 cookies total.  Stop whatever you're doing and make these.  Now.}

Home Made Spiced Pumpkin Latte
{How AMAZING does this look?  and paired with a cookie and the newest episode of Teen Mom *Hey, don't judge-we all have our guilty pleasures*....sounds like I have my "mommy-time" planned for tomorrow}

I did it.  I dived in head first.  I let go of all my pre-conceived notions that long hair=femininity.  I cut my hair. The first few hours after I did it I totally panicked.  But now....I love it.  It's short.  It's easy.  It's totally different than anything I've ever done.....

Thursday, September 15, 2011

T-Shirt Necklace Tutorial

So earlier this summer we were browsing the Farmer's Market, as we do every Saturday, and there was this little girl selling the cutest T-shirt necklaces.  I picked out a grey one to match my 11 grey sweatshirts (seriously, it's a problem-therapy is needed) and I have worn it almost every day since.  I found a tutorial online so I could make a really chunky one myself-and today I finally got around to it.  Sure it cuts of my air supply when I move my head forward, but no pain no gain, right?  Here is a picture of the one I made, and here is a link to do one up yourself.  Happy Thursday!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Nutella Cupcakes

FYI:  I found this recipe on pinterest, and the cupcakes suck.  It's true.  But the idea is great!  So here is the recipe link, and if I were you-I would use your trusted vanilla cupcake recipe, and just add the nutella.  Can't wait to try these again with a better dough recipe!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Autumn Decor

This was my first attempt with felt flowers-and they were so fun!  I haven't used a hot glue gun since elementary school-and let me just say-It rocked my world.  I love hot glue guns.  So much power.  Anyway-here it is.  And this is the tutorial I used.  Happy Fall!