Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ahhh....I'm back

We are finally moved in!  Yet being "moved in" doesn't necessarily mean you're "settled"....I'm not sure when the latter will happen.  In fact, we've had a lot of basement flooding issues, that I would love to complain about, but I've done that enough today! I really have determined to despise anyone who says "Hey, how's it goin'?".  BUT the baby is down for a nap, I am resting comfortably at my parents (did I mention basement flooding....carbon monoxide due to plumbing repairs...yeah)....and ice tea is in my belly-so maybe the day is looking up.  We are loving living near family again-it's safe to say Ingrid sees her Grandma at least twice a day.  Michael is still looking for a job, but in the mean time is loving working out on the farm (I am entering pie's in the county fair, and hanging laundry out on the line like a good farm wife.....okay only one of those things is true).  The thing that has consumed most of my mental energy right now (besides Harry Potter that is...oh yeah-book #4!) is the fact that in just 5 days my little girl will be ONE!  We are having a blast planning her party and celebrating the most magnificent year of our lives. 

A few pictures to catch you up....

Loves the swing!

I walked in on Daddy playing dress up with Ingrid...
This is a vintage pea coat and hat that belonged to my Great Aunt, I can't wait for it to actually fit Ingrid!

I love a baby at slumber

Baby curls....


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