Two years ago around 1pm, I was sitting on my couch watching Television, when I had an overwhelming feeling that I was not alone. I don't mean this figuratively, but very literally. I felt my stomach and had an instant inner knowledge, that I had been blessed with a child. Michael was busy at school, taking a final-when I anxiously drove to Wal Mart, my hands tightly gripping the steering wheel so that I would stop shaking (shaking in a good way, mind you). I bought a pregnancy test, drove home, and took it. I stared at that little pink stick, when within seconds I saw TWO lines appear. Two. I was in an instant state of shock. I couldn't believe that it really happened, I was really pregnant. Minutes later I took another test, and that too, was positive. I called the number on the back of the box so that I could hear the recording say "If you see two lines, no matter how faint the second line is, you are in fact, pregnant". I'll never forget those words. I started to hyperventilate (again, all in a positive way), and pace around my tiny apartment. I must have called Michael 20 times over the next two hours, even though I knew I wouldn't get ahold of him. Why I choose to take the test without him there, I'll never fully understand! I think that I was planning on saying something like "See, I told you I wasn't pregnant". But the outcome was very different. Finally, after what felt like days, he called me back and I said.."So I took a test, and it has TWO lines....TWO!" He asked what that meant and I said..."It means you're pregnant". We were so, so, so, thrilled.....and the rest is history.
(Oh, besides the fact that later that afternoon I went to the doctor's office to take a blood test-I guess I just needed a doctor to tell me that the 4 test's I took didn't lie!)
Here's to my precious Ingrid Nightingale!
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